Prof. UAM dr hab. Maciej Gąbka
![]() | Position: associate professor, head of the Department of Hydrobiology (AMU) Email: Room: 2.55 Phone: + 48 61 829 57 62 Office hours: Tuesday 10:00-12:00 | Research Gate ORCID Google Scholar ResearcherID Loop AMU Research Portal |
Research Interests
My research interests are focused on ecology and taxonomy of stoneworts (Characeae, Charophyta). I use environmental and interdisciplinary experimental approach to better understand charophytes distribution patterns and their functional significance in different types of aquatic ecosystems.
Current study topics
- Ecology, taxonomy and biogeography of charophytes
- Ecological gradients in different types of water ecosystems and peatlands
- Niche partitioning and distribution patterns of aquatic plants
- Protection of Chara-dominated lakes
- Experimental tests of response of vegetation to change in water chemistry and climate warming through manipulative field and laboratory experiments
- Ecology of peatlands
Research Projects
- 2013 - 2016
WETMAN: Central European Wetland Ecosystem Feedbacks to Changing Climate - Field Scale Manipulation. ID:203258; Funded by Polish-Norwegian Research Program. Beneficiary: Poznań University of Life Sciences, cooperation: BIOFORSK, Norway; UAM Poznań (co-investigator)
- 2011 - 2013
The project Baltic Landscape Network co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Baltic Sea Region in the period 2007-2013 (co-investigator)
- 2009 - 2010
Grant MNiSW (Nr N305077936): Relationships between testate amoeba communities (Protista: Testacea Lobosa: Filosa) and environment in minerotrophic peatlands of western Poland (co-investigator)
- 2009 - 2011
Project funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education (N303 391136): Influence of water and fossil bird droppings on cyanobacterial blooms in the Lake Goreckie in the Wielkopolski National Park (co-investigator)
- 2006 - 2009
Project funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education (N304 100 31/3623): Distribution and bioindicative role of charophytes (Characeae) of different types of waters in the Wielkopolska region (principal investigator)
- 2006 - 2008
Grant MNiSW (Nr N304 050 31/1853): Project funded by Minstry of Science and Higher Education (N304 050 31/1853): Functioning advanced in the process of overgrowing Chara-dominated lakes (Wielkopolska) (co-investigator)
- 2008 - 2010
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic algae of the Wolin and the Bornholm islands, Kierownik projektu: prof. dr hab. L. Burchardt, UAM, Poznań; Polskie Towarzystwo Fykologiczne. Charophytes: Gąbka M. (co-investigator)
- 2001 - 2004
Project KBN No 6 PO4F 037 21: Plant communities in humic lakes of the Wielkopolska region on the background of the content of nutrients and humic substances their habitats (principal investigator)
Chosen publications
- Urbaniak J., Gąbka M. 2014. Polish Charophytes. An Illustrated Guide to Identification. Wyd. Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu. pdf
- Bator J., Gąbka M., Jakubas E. (red.) 2014. Koncepcja lasu modelowego w zarządzaniu i ochronie różnorodności biologicznej rzek Wełny i Flinty (Wielkopolska). Bogucki Wyd. Nauk. pdf
- Gąbka M. 2009. Charophytes of the Wielkopolska region (NW Poland): distribution, taxonomy and autecology. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań. pdf
- Draga M., Gąbka M. 2024. The beneficial effect of barley straw extract addition on the growth of two aquatic invasive alien species (Elodea nuttallii and Cabomba caroliniana) under laboratory conditions. Biologia 79: 11-21.
- Rybak A., Dziuba M., Pełechata A., Rybak M., Akter S., Czerepska A., Dulić T., Gąbka M., Hindáková A., Jurczak T., Kendir S., Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Meriluoto J., Wejnerowski Ł. 2024. Characterization of cyanobacterial mats from artificial hot spring in Uniejów (Poland) and the potential use of their biomass. Algal Research 82:103646.
- Jakubas-Krzak, E., Gąbka, M., Panek, P., Kowalski, W.W.A., Lisek, D., Smoczyk, M., Rybak, A.S. 2023. The red alga Hildenbrandia rivularis is a weak indicator of the good ecological status of riverine habitats. Ecological Indicators 147: 109918.
- Hindáková, A., Gąbka, M., Hrivnák, R. 2022. Checklist, Red List, and Distribution Pattern of Charophytes (Charophyceae, Charales) in Slovakia Based on Critical Revision of Herbarium Specimens. Diversity 14: 897.
- Górecki K., Rastogi A., Stróżecki M., Gąbka M., Lamentowicz M., Łuców D., Kayzer D., Juszczak R. 2021. Water table depth, experimental warming, and reduced precipitation impact on litter decomposition in a temperate Sphagnum-peatland. Science of the Total Environment 771: 145452.
- Bandopadhyay S., Rastogi A., Cogliati S., Rascher U., Gąbka M., Juszczak R. 2021. Can vegetation indices serve as proxies for potential sun-induced fluorescence (SIF)? A fuzzy simulation approach on airborne imaging spectroscopy data. Remote Sensing 13: 2545.
- Rastogi A., Antala M., Gąbka M., Rosadziński S., Stróżecki M., Brestic M., Juszczak R. 2020. Impact of warming and reduced precipitation on morphology and chlorophyll concentration in peat mosses (Sphagnum angustifolium and S. fallax). Scientific Reports 10: 8592.
- Górski P., Gądek B., Gąbka M. 2020. Snow as a parameter of bryophyte niche partitioning in snow-beds of the Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians). Ecological Indicators 113: 106258.
- Basińska A.M., Reczuga M.K., Gąbka M., Stróżecki M., Łuców D., Samson M., Urbaniak M., Leśny J., Chojnicki B.H., Gilbert D., Sobczyński T., Olejnik J., Silvennoinen H., Juszczak R., Lamentowicz M. 2020. Experimental warming and precipitation reduction affect the biomass of microbial communities in a Sphagnum peatland. Ecological Indicators 112: 106059.
- Rybak M., Gąbka M., Ratajczak I., Woźniak M., Sobczyński T., Joniak T. 2020. In-situ behavioural response and ecological stoichiometry adjustment of macroalgae (Characeae, Charophyceae) to iron overload: Implications for lake restoration. Water Research 173: 115602.
- Lamentowicz M., Kajukało-Drygalska K., Kołaczek P., Jassey V.E.J., Gąbka M., Karpiński-Kołaczek M. 2020. Testate amoebae taxonomy and trait diversity are coupled along an openness and wetness gradient in pine-dominated Baltic bogs. European Journal of Protistology 73: 125674.
- Krawczyk R., Gąbka M. 2019. Egeria densa (Hydrocharitaceae) – a new anthropophyte in the Polish flora Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 26: 41-48.
- Wilk-Woźniak E., Walusiak E., Burchardt L., Cerbin S., Chmura D., Gąbka M., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Gołdyn R., Grabowska M., Karpowicz M., Klimaszyk P., Kołodziejczyk A., Kokociński M., Kraska M., Król W., Kuczyńska-Kippen N., Ligęza S., Messyasz B., Nagengast B., Ozimek T., Paczuska B.M., Pełechaty M., Pęczuła W., Pietryka M., Piotrowicz R., Pociecha A., Pukacz A., Richter D., Żbikowski J. 2019. Effects of the environs of waterbodies on aquatic plants in oxbow lakes (habitat 3150). Ecological Indicators 98: 736-742.
- Bandopadhyay S., Rastogi A., Rascher U., Rademske P., Schickling A., Cogliati S., Julitta T., Mac Arthur A., Hueni A., Tomelleri E., Celesti M., Burkart A., Stróżecki M., Sakowska K., Gąbka M., Rosadziński S., Sojka M., Iordache M.D., Reusen I., Van Der Tol C., Damm A., Schuettemeyer D., Juszczak R. 2019. Hyplant-derived sun-induced fluorescence - a new opportunity to disentangle complex vegetation signals from diverse vegetation types. Remote Sensing 11: 1691.
- Dominiak M., Lewandowski A., Gąbka M., Lembicz M. 2018. Network size-dependent impact on vegetative growth and sexual reproduction in clonal patches of white clover Trifolium repens. Nordic Journal of Botany 36: e01928.
- Rybak A.S., Gąbka M. 2018. The influence of abiotic factors on the bloom-forming alga Ulva flexuosa (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta): possibilities for the control of the green tides in freshwater ecosystems. Journal of Applied Phycology 30: 1405-1416.
- Rybak M., Joniak T., Gąbka M. 2018. Environmental implications of water level fluctuations in deep chara-lake in light of hydrochemistry and water transparency in phytolittoral zone. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM 18: 267-274.
- Rybak M., Kołodziejczyk A., Joniak T., Ratajczak I., Gąbka M. 2017. Bioaccumulation and toxicity studies of macroalgae (Charophyceae) treated with aluminium: Experimental studies in the context of lake restoration. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 145: 359-366.
- Rzodkiewicz M., Gąbka M., Szpikowska G., Woszczyk M. 2017. Diatom assemblages as indicators of salinity gradients: A case study from a coastal lake. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 46: 325-339.
- Rybak M., Joniak T., Gąbka M., Sobczyński T. 2017. The inhibition of growth and oospores production in Chara hispida L. as an effect of iron sulphate addition: Conclusions for the use of iron coagulants in lake restoration. Ecological Engineering 105: 1-6.
- Joniak T., Kuczyńska-Kippen N., Gąbka M. 2017. Effect of agricultural landscape characteristics on the hydrobiota structure in small water bodies. Hydrobiologia 793: 121-133.
- Pikosz M., Messyasz B., Gąbka M. 2017. Functional structure of algal mat (Cladophora glomerata) in a freshwater in western Poland. Ecological Indicators 74: 1-9.
- Nagengast B., Gąbka M. 2017. Apparent niche partitioning of two congeneric submerged macrophytes in small water bodies: The case of Ceratophyllum demersum and C. submersum L. Aquatic Botany 137: 1-8.
- Gąbka M., Lembicz M. 2016. Clonality of an annual plant in a temporary environment: The case of whorled waterwort. Flora - Morphology Distribution Functional Ecology of Plants 224: 5-58.
- Joniak T., Kuczyńska-Kippen N., Gąbka M. 2016. Effect of agricultural landscape characteristics on the hydrobiota structure in small water bodies. Hydrobiologia DOI 10.1007/s10750-016-2913-5.
- Messyasz B., Gąbka M., Barylski J., Nowicki G., Lamentowicz Ł., Goździcka-Józefiak A., Rybak A., Dondajewska R., Burchardt L. 2015. Phytoplankton, culturable bacteria and their relationships along environmental gradients in a stratified eutrophic lake. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 10: 41-52.
- Rybak A., Czerwoniec A., Gąbka M., Messyasz B. 2014. Ulva flexuosa (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) inhabiting inland aquatic ecosystems: molecular, morphological and ecological discrimination of subspecies. European Journal of Phycology 49: 471-485.
- Jassey V.E.J., Lamentowicz Ł., Robroek B.J. M., Gąbka M., Rusińska A., Lamentowicz M. 2014. Plant functional diversity drives niche-size-structure of dominant microbial consumers along a poor to extremely rich fen gradient. Journal of Ecology 102(5): 1150-1162.
- Gąbka M., Rusińska A., Barylski J. 2014. Molecular, morphological, and ecological differences between the terrestrial and aquatic forms of Oxyrrhynchium speciosum (Brid.) Warnst. (Brachytheciaceae). Journal of Bryology 36(3): 180-190.
- Jakubas E., Gąbka M., Joniak T. 2014. Factors determining the distribution of rheophil and protected Hildenbrandia rivularis (Liebman) J.Agardh 1851, the Rhodophyta freshwater species in lowland ecosystems. Polish Journal of Ecology 62(4): 679-693.
- Jakubas E., Gąbka M., Joniak T. 2014. Morphological forms of two macrophytes (yellow water-lily and arrowhead) along velocity gradient. Biologia, Section Botany, 69 (7): 840-846.
- Mitchell E.A.D., Payne R.J., van der Knaap W.O., Lamentowicz Ł., Gąbka M., Lamentowicz M. 2013. The performance of single- and multi-proxy transfer functions (testate amoebae, bryophytes, vascular plants) for reconstructing mire surface wetness and pH. Quaternary Research 79(1): 6–13.
- Gąbka M., Owsianny P.M., Burchardt L. 2010. The influence of co-occuring vegetation and habitat variables on distribution of rare charophyte species Lychnothamnus barbatus in lakes of Western Poland. Polish Journal of Ecology 58(1): 13-25.
- Lamentowicz M., Lamentowicz Ł., van der Knaap W.O., Gąbka M., Mitchell E.A.D. 2010. Contrasting species-environment relationships in communities of testate amoebae, bryophytes, and vascular plants along the fen-bog gradient. Microbial Ecology 59(3): 499-510.
- Caisová L., Gąbka M. 2009. Charophytes (Characeae, Charophyta) in the Czech Republic: taxonomy, autecology and distribution. Fottea 9(1): 1-43.
- Urbaniak J., Gąbka M., Blaženic J. 2008. Nitella tenuissima, a rare Charophyte in Central and Southern Europe. Cryptogamie, Algologie 29: 161–171.
- Gąbka M., Lamentowicz M. 2008. Vegetation-environment relationships in peatlands dominated by Sphagnum fallax (Klinggr.) Klinggr. in Western Poland. Folia Geobotanica 43: 413-429.
- Gąbka M., Owsianny P.M., Burchardt L., Sobczyński T. 2007. Habitat requirements of the Charetum intermediae phytocoenoses in lakes of western Poland. Biologia - Section Botany 62(6): 657-663.
Career History
- 2016 – to date
Associate Professor, head of the Department of Hydrobiology, AMU, Poznań
- 2016
Visiting Professor at Poznań University of Life Sciences (WETMAN project)
- 2014
Habilitation in ecology, AMU, Poznań
- 2005 – 2014
Adiunct at the Department of Hydrobiology, AMU, Poznań
- 2000 – 2005
Ph.D. study at Faculty of Biology, AMU (plant ecology, hydrobiology; PhD thesis: Plant communities in humic lakes of the Wielkopolska region in the context of their habitat conditioning, supervisor: Professor Lubomira Burchardt)
- 1995 – 2000
Master degree studies at Faculty of Biology, AMU (environmental biology, (Master thesis: Vegetation of reserves "Jezioro Czarne" and "Jezioro Pławno" in Puszcza Zielonka near Poznan: Professor Lubomira Burchardt)
Lectures and classes/seminars
- Biology of aquatic organisms and environments (coordinator and lecturer)
- Inventory and valorisation of environment (coordinator and lecturer)
- Environmental monitoring (coordinator and lecturer)
- European Habitats „Natura 2000” (coordinator and lecturer)
- Ecosystem under environmental stress (lecturer)
- Biology and ecology of indicator organisms (lecturer)
- Legal and practical aspects of the Natura 2000 network (lecturer)
- Assessment of ecological state of water (lecturer)
- Flora and fauna of the Wielkopolska Region (lecturer)
Teaching – Bachelor and Master theses:
- Topics for students of biology and environmental protection: distribution of charophytes, bioindication, ecology of Characeae, species-environmental relationships, ecology of peatlands
Doctorate dissertations and scientific supervision
So far realized topics of doctoral theses: (1) relationships between structure of aquatic vegetation and environmental gradients in lowland rivers, and (2) niche partitioning and distribution patterns of golden algae; one defended, one in progress
Administrative Posts and External Activities
- Head of the Department of Hydrobiology, AMU
- Vice director of Institute of Environmental Biology, AMU
- Member of Regional Council for the Protection of Nature in Poznań